Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Transcending the evils of religion

Why do Jihadists and Crusaders kill in the name of their religion? Why do they believe that their religion is the only true religion? What makes Muslims believe that they know more than the infidels or Christians, the pagans? Why do they hate, persecute, torture, maltreat, subjugate, ostracize and punish those who don’t believe the way they do?

Photo credit: quapan via / CC BY

The simple reason for every evil in the world

The answer is simple, really. First ask yourself: Are those who preach and do harm to others really following the teachings of their faith. Or do they in fact, misunderstand the teachings and misunderstanding, they do all the wrong things that they shouldn’t? Are they the masters, or are they really only the followers and students who are failing to make the grade?

Everyone commits mistakes

The founders and first teachers of all the religions preach good. But their followers, because they are only followers, students not yet graduates, do not, as yet, fully comprehend the divine teachings. And hence, they continue to commit error after error, doing more harm than good. This is not the fault of any religion or its founders, it is just the student being who and what he is – a work-in-progress.

The value of religious teachings

Religion is simply a set of instructions from God that if followed can bring us closer to Him, in the most expeditious manner, without us having to undergo more hardships, pain and suffering than are considered necessary.

Of course, many people prefer to live their life their own way. And that’s okay, too. All Paths lead to God, however different they may seem to be.

How do we learn anything?

We learn only as we experience. Man in the world is allotted the five senses. Based on our perceptions, we are able to draw some hypotheses. After subsequent repeated incidences and tests, we are able to arrive at our conclusions.

Every day, we learn more from which we build as we continue on with our life. We learn what is good by comparing it to what is bad based on their effects. We act or react and based on the results, we learn to do better.


The road map to God

Regarding the things of religion, as earlier pointed out, it is simply a set of instructions, suggested not mandatory, for your own good. A road map, you can choose to follow or not.

You should also realize that the All Truth of the Holy Spirits is all-encompassing, so involved and so deep. In order for it to be more easily understood, it is broken down into little bits and pieces, prioritized and taken up one topic at a time, like chapters in a book.

To the pagans and ancient Hebrews that worshiped many gods, Abraham preached the concept of the One God of all.

To the Hindus, emphasis is given to the goal of self-realization. Hindus must realize that they are spirit entities and that humanity is just a stage we all undergo in pursuit of our spiritual development.

To help us achieve our spiritual goals in the most practical way, the Buddha taught “The Middle Way”. We don’t need to be fanatical or try to be too good or too aggressive, just so long as we are not too bad or too lax. We can practice moderation in everything that we do, and we will attain, just as well.

The Muslims are taught that Allah is All-loving, All-powerful and All-wise, that He is in control of every situation. Hence, despite their trials and tribulations in the world and even though they are unable to understand all the reasons, Muslims are, nevertheless, enjoined to submit to the divine will of Allah.

To point us in the right direction, Jesus tells us to “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness…” Everything else will follow after.

So what do you think? Do you find anything wrong or evil in any of these instructions?

I can’t.