Everyone needs to prepare for the Afterlife. Understand who you are, why you are here, and how you should best live your life going forward. Resources for every student of life and seeker of Truth.
Private Counselling and Consultation
Who hasn’t felt hopeless and lost? Everyone has. It’s normal.
Sometimes, it can help just having someone to talk to, someone who can listen and perhaps, offer some guidance or a helpful bit of information.
For some reason, also, some people prefer to talk to someone they don’t know – a priest, a counsellor or a shrink.
Whatever your need or preference, this service is for you.
God loves you! He knows what you’re going through. He feels your pain, He is aware of your fears, doubts and your confusion about the things that are going on in your life. He understands.
But now, He wants you to know that everything is ok. You are doing fine. There is nothing that cannot be set right. You can get back on track.
Regardless of your present situation and whatever wrongs you may have done, there is a way forward, even for you. All you need to do is ask so you can be guided.
For the sick and dying and those who love and care for them
You are hurting. You are afraid. But you shouldn’t be. Your suffering is soon to end. And you will be returning to your true home in the higher spirit realms. Best be prepared. Understand your true situation and all that it involves. Learn what you can expect will happen when you crossover.
There is an Afterlife where the living is far more glorious that you can ever imagine. There, you can meet with your loved ones you thought you lost forever. They are all alive and well, wanting to see you, too.
For those who have lived a righteous life, your rewards await you. For those who have not done so well. It’s still okay. You will receive new instructions to bring you back on course.
Time to make your bucket list. Are there some people you want to acknowledge or thank? Send them a note.
Do you have some obligations to take care of? If you can manage it, do so. If not, then just leave them be. You just do the best you can. And it will be enough.
You may be worried concerning those you will be leaving behind. Don’t. Just as God took care of you, so will He also take good care of them. He loves them more than even you do. He will never leave them unattended. They will be fine.
Is there someone you offended? Say you’re sorry, if you can. If this is not possible, just send them your thoughts and well-wishes. But make sure that you forgive yourself.
Anything else? Write it down.
Then attend to them one by one until they are all done. That done, think no more of them. Free your mind and focus on your return trip home.
Be happy! And think of the loved ones you will be seeing very soon. Talk to them in your thoughts. They will receive your message and maybe, send back to you their own. You will be half here and half there, more than you think, after all.
Try to be as comfortable as possible. Be at peace, sleep if you feel like it and wait. Just be open and wait for whatever is sent your way – sometimes a vision, a visitation or a message.
And just to remind you, you know this but sometimes, you forget: You can’t get to heaven unless you first leave this dark and dreary world.
For wrong-doers, prisoners, released convicts and the prison officials guarding them
You may feel that you have been forgotten, that you are not loved, that there is no hope for you, but you are now where you should and need to be. The opportunities for you to secure a better place for yourself here and in heaven are all around you, just within your reach. You just need to recognize them and avail of them to gain everything that you have ever wanted.
Were you a murderer, a drug dealer, a child rapist, a corrupt politician or government official, a dishonest businessman or a thief? You may think that you cannot be forgiven, but you’re wrong, because you can.
No, you cannot simply accept Christ and you will be saved. Not say a few Hail Marys and you are forgiven. None of that. All those are false teachings.
But – if you truly acknowledge in your heart that you have done wrong and want to do right with God, we can help you.
But you have to help yourself, more. There are things you will need to do – a lot of work, some good things, this time. You know how difficult it can be when your work piles up, left undone. You know how burdensome it can be to pay off debts that were left unpaid and have collected interest. That’s how it will be for you, unless you start moving, now.
So stop pitying yourself. Start to think positively and get to work. There is so much that you can do now, even while you are still in prison. In fact, many opportunities can only be availed of by you while you are still there, because once you are out, your opportunities will no longer be available. Begin now to build a better tomorrow for yourself.
Life does not end when you leave this life. You will live many other lives and have fresh new opportunities for you to do better. Just take it one step at a time.
Begin to study afresh or book a guided session. Heaven waits also for you.
For prostitutes and those forced to commit unethical acts under duress
Prostitutes are not just the sex workers but this motley group also includes everyone who commits unethical and criminal acts for money or other considerations and those who take bribes for looking the other way.
If you don’t like the abuses you are subjected to or you loath being forced to do certain unrighteous things just to earn a living or keep your job, then you are really the fortunate one. You are learning that such abuses done to you by your oppressors and superiors are acts that you should not do to anyone, ever. In many cases, the abuse or exploitation is just payback to you for similar past offenses you committed on others. You are also benefiting spiritually when you pay off your karmic debts.
So just learn from your experiences, and don’t do the things that you shouldn’t, not any more. At least, try.
You can also make up for your past offenses to God and the others even now by simply being more kind and understanding towards everyone, and by rendering some service to your other brothers and sisters in need.
For the poor and disadvantaged
Most everyone on earth wants to be healthy, wealthy, highly educated, powerful, happy and contented. There are real advantages to having them, I fully agree. I want those, too. And everyone will at some place and time have enough, even to spare, but not all of the time.
The truth is that the bad and horrible situations and things that come afford us greater spiritual learning benefits. Poverty teaches empathy, compassion, mercy, helpfulness, humility, courage and self-sacrifice – all the virtues that being rich and privileged cannot teach. You also learn to make do with whatever is available, however meagre or deficient. And the less advantages you enjoy in life, the more your spiritual benefits, and the more you learn.
You should actually be grateful for your blessings, because in fact, they truly are in the spiritual sense blessings and opportunities that enable you to grow.
For members of the LGBT community and other persecuted minorities
Did your know – Marilyn Monroe, Marlon Brando, Laurence Olivier, James Dean, Rock Hudson, William Shakespeare, Alexander the Great, Achilles, Julius Caesar, Richard the Lionheart, Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, Howard Hughes – are all reported to have been gays or bisexuals?
You have been misunderstood, discriminated against, abused and persecuted. But in reality, there is nothing wrong with you. Being LGBT is a normal human condition. Nothing to be ashamed of. You just need to understand the underlying divine principles involved.
In fact, being of a different sexual orientation was your own choice – you heard me right – one you made even before you were born. Yes, much of what happens to everyone of us are all predetermined. There are spiritual advantages that you should be aware of. And there are also good and valid spiritual reasons why God allows you to be subjected to discrimination and abuse.
You can begin to understand all of this. Just be more receptive to new ideas and divine teachings.
For those abused and persecuted by oppressive rulers, unjust societies, cults and religious sects
So much of life brings pain and suffering. But many subjects cannot be learned were it otherwise so. You learn not just from positive influences and experiences, but more so from being trapped in unwanted circumstances and situations.
They teach you the things you should not do. Positive and negative, right and wrong, and good and evil – they all must be personally experienced before anyone can fully comprehend the concepts. So learn your lessons, well. Only after you do will you be rid of them, forever.
For those addicted to sex, smoking, drugs and alcohol
Because many dogmatic religious insist, you have come to accept that sex is sinful, but it really is not. It is normal and natural. It is a basic need, not just an all-consuming desire. It must be satisfied to full satiation. More, to abstain from sex is not just unnatural and unhealthy, but it also can lead one to perversion. So don’t worry about it. Just make certain that you harm no one while you are having fun and do be careful to avoid catching a disease or ending up being an unwed parent.
God gave you the urge and the potential for intense pleasure so that you may seek the company of others and learn to need and love them in the process. Love binds us all into One Whole in the One God.
Regarding the addiction to smoking, drugs and alcohol, in addition to the ongoing treatments that you can avail of, you can also discover the spiritual root causes of your addiction. Knowing the reasons and understanding why will inevitably result to your complete healing, like nothing else can.
For those who seek God but cannot find Him
Perhaps, you have been ranting and complaining so much, you are unable to hear God answering you. You have all that you need with you to get closer, right now. You’re just not doing what you need to do for some reason. Sometimes, we all need just a little nudge, more information or clearer suggestions.
The Father has been faithful in sending you His messages through His sons and prophets. Have you listened, at all? Have you done what is required of you? God is just waiting for you to do your part before He does His.
Lessen your noise that is preventing you from hearing Him. Listen more attentively. You will know what you should do. But you have to go ahead and do it.
For everyone else
Know that whatever your particular problems or difficulties, you brought these on yourself, no one else. And you alone can resolve them. We can only assist you in seeing things more clearly and in making the right decisions.
Tell us what is bothering you and we can dissect and analyze the problem together, identifying the particular divine principles in operation bearing on your particular situation. We can explain them and clarify their implications. We can also point out the karmic consequences and help you to discover the applicable alternative courses of action.
Unlike the common practice of some priests and moralists, today, we will never criticize or judge you, insist that you do a particular thing or choose any particular course of action. Each person must exercise his own free will. Having done our best to help clarify the issue, we will then leave the matter for you to decide and allow you to make your own decisions.
In light of Reincarnation and the New Teachings, your whole way of looking at life and the circumstances you encounter will change. Before, you may have believed that Christ needs to save you, but now you know that life continues without end, and so are your opportunities to make things right through your own efforts.
Your fate is entirely up to you. Your future can be bright. But you must act, now.
If you have personal issues that you prefer to keep private and confidential, you can remain anonymous and you won’t be required to identify yourself.
We can go one-on-one or you can invite your own group to join in, whatever is most agreeable and helpful to you.
To defray expenses and help finance the work of INNER QUEST, a mandatory minimum donation amounting to not less than 20 USD per hour shall be charged in regard to Skype administered counselling or consultation sessions, whether you are alone or with a group.
If the counselling service is to be administered at a different location, the mandatory minimum donation plus all traveling and other expenses that will be incurred must be paid for in advance. For this purpose, the estimated travel time to and from our place will be added to the total time served.
The donations can be paid via Paypal or by wire transfer, instructions to be given when you schedule your session(s).
Inquire or schedule your session, now.
Email : unravelthemysteries@gmail.com
Cell phone: +63 928 875 4637
Skype ID : “iq.luz”
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