The Truth, plain and simple

The Truth can be complicated and deep. But it can also be plain and simple. In fact, Jesus told us: "Today, I speak to you in parables, but the time is coming when I will be speaking to you plainly."

So let's do that. Allow me to tell it to you like it is and in the process, you will be able to get past all the lies, half-truths and false teachings that have kept you in the dark for so long.

Who are we and what is our true nature? What is the meaning of life? What is the purpose of life on Earth? Who are the Holy Spirits? And what is the true Path?

The answers can be really simple. Let us first take up these simple basics before we delve any deeper into more advanced and complex spirit matters. If you can focus on these plain truths, understanding the rest will become a whole lot easier.

We are spirits, children of the One God, in His image. In the beginning, we were created innocent and ignorant, destined to attain to our spiritual perfection through our own exertions. As our Father-God is, so will we become - at-one with Him.

The whole of the Cosmos is our school, the Earth, just one of many classrooms where we take up certain specialized subjects. Here on Earth, as revealed in the Book of Genesis, we take up what is right and what is wrong, learn all about good and evil from direct personal experience, and the things of character, building and refining them to perfection. Being born into this world is like people going to school. One lifetime is just as one day in class.

Love and service to our fellowmen is the Path. Reincarnation is the process. Karma is the governing rule.

There are many different levels or orders of spirits. The Holy Spirit is simply a spirit that is already holy. Those of us who are here studying are still developing spirits, under their instruction and guidance. But after we complete our studies over a series of many incarnations, we will graduate and become holy spirits, ourselves.

Somewhat different from all that you have been taught by your religion. You may be a little confused and unbelieving.

That is perfectly alright. But "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things will simply be added on to you," even the knowledge of the Truth.

For now, keep open and stay focused on the plain and simple. Stay away if you feel you should. And when you are ready, come back and continue on to the next pages, the higher stages of your development.

This Website takes up the All Truth of the Holy Spirits. Prepare to discover new and wonderful things.

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