Sunday, August 28, 2016

God provides for your every spiritual need

6.05 MT 6:25.32 
“Don’t be anxious about life. Don’t worry about food, drink, or clothes. After all, isn’t life worth more than mere food? And isn’t the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds! They don’t plant seeds; neither do they reap nor store up grain. And yet, your Father feeds them. Are you not much better than they are? Furthermore, will all your worries add a single moment to your life? And why worry about clothes? Observe how the lilies of the field grow and thrive without having to work at all. And yet, I tell you that even Solomon, in all his glory, was never arrayed as magnificently as one of these. And if God so adorns the grass in the field that lives only for a day and is quickly gone tomorrow, will he not more surely clothe you? How little is your faith! Therefore, don’t worry about what you will eat or drink, or even what you will wear because your Father in heaven already knows all that you need.”

When troubles come, it’s so easy to lose heart and lose faith. Life can be really difficult and the solution to your problem may not be readily in sight. But there is no need to despair. 

However, still on the positive side, in fact, much more important, but not all too often understood, just as frequently, we just need to accept what comes and let things be. Sometimes, there is really nothing to be done or can be done. Yet, there is a reason for everything, a spiritual benefit to be obtained. We only need to understand more what God is trying to tell us and where we can’t, then we should trust that God All-knowing and All-just knows what is best for us and this is what He has sent our way.

When we want to build muscles, we exercise. To gain spiritual strength and fortitude, we need to experience hardships and difficulties on way to overcoming them. In the process, we are also able to develop important skills and talents.

When we want to learn something, anything, we need to study them, all aspects about them. We research, investigate, probe, test and analyze before we can really know anything for sure. To develop our character, first, we need to realize our character flaws and deficiencies, and the error of our ways. Hence, we are made to experience the exact trials, tribulations and karmic consequences of our own thoughts and deeds. They provide us the necessary opportunities to learn and develop, spiritually.

Jesus here is telling us just that: God knows and God is providing for our every spiritual need, every time. Really, no need for us to worry.

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