I am not a scientist in the accepted sense of the word. I don’t bother too much with data, facts and figures. They vary depending on the specific circumstance, place and time. And then, whenever a new information surfaces, something new is invented or a material development occurs, everything will need to undergo a new study and re-evaluation that will inevitably change the facts.
Neither am I into religion. Although I believe in the core teachings of righteousness, love and service to my fellowmen, I don’t believe in the dogmas that cannot be proven on the basis of my own direct personal experience or in observing mandatory rituals and obligations that have no verifiable benefit based on fact and the test of reason.
Instead, I focus on the divine principles, their operation and applications. They are immutable and unchanging. They are true in every case. And all that are true in science and religion never contradict them.
I have been a student of the Archangel Michael and Jesus Christ, under their direct guidance since 1976. To complete my training, I was sent to study under the Masters guiding the Theosophical Society from 1984-1991. I have learned much, but the knowledge given to me is not intended for me alone but is to be shared with everyone else.
The purpose of this essay is not to provide proofs. There are already mountains of evidences available to any earnest researcher, although some links are provided in this article. But my objective is to propose for your consideration a rational basis for all of the seemingly conflicting phenomena and irreconcilable concepts based on the New Divine Teachings now being introduced to the world.
This is part of the All-Truth of the Holy Spirits to the limits of my own learning and understanding.
I The Role of Religion and the Religious Teachings
The religious perspective
Religion is simply a set of instructions, a guidebook or manual, that details a recommended path people can follow to find God in the most expeditious manner, without having to experience unnecessary hardships and difficulties.
As revealed in Genesis, the Parable of the Tree of Good and Evil, learning all about good and evil or right from wrong is the true purpose of life on earth. So therefore, religion primarily takes up these subjects and in the application of all that we learn, we are afforded the opportunities, despite the adversities, to develop a good, strong character.
During those early Biblical periods, the people, we were actually those same people living then, were much younger, less evolved, lacking the ability to reason and less able to comprehend the deeper truths. Hence, the real but complex explanations were not taught us and instead, only the most simple and basic explanations were given. Pretty much how we treat inquisitive little children who ask questions the answers to which they are as yet incapable of understanding.
Christ confirms this, referring to the people as mindless sheep or little children and he told us, “There is so much more I want to tell you, but you cannot understand it, now. I will come, again. I will speak to you, plainly.”
The role of religions
Prophets and messengers from God precede the founding of all true religions. After the prophets’ pioneering work and new revelations, the newly formed religions take up the role of clarifying and disseminating the new teachings, accepting converts and propagating the new faith, preserving and maintaining the gains of previous efforts, and ministering to the needs of their flock. Their focus and primary objective is more of a spiritual nature. While the pursuit of knowledge and scientific studies is important, as well, they are secondary to the objectives relating to righteous living and character formation.
The central or core teachings of the prophets and messengers address the specific needs of their intended followers, based on their present state and level of evolvement, and their predispositions and preferences. But the whole Truth being too vast, deep and all-encompassing, they can only take up a few distinct aspects or sides at most of the Divine Truth, not all.
In general, religion teaches the concept of a God or gods that created the Cosmos and everything in it. They created man in their image and likeness. Man is upon the earth to learn about himself, attain to a certain high level of spiritual development and return home from whence he came – to God and the heaven life, there to stay for all eternity.
The gods assist
To aid man in his journeys in the world, God sends christs, avatars, gurus, masters and archangels – the gods to assist him. The gods possess superior knowledge and supernatural powers. At various times, periodically, they provide us the next chapters of divine instruction without which mankind will not be able to move far or fast forward.
In fulfilment of Old Testament prophecies, Jesus revealed many details about the Afterlife that no man before him knew. And to support his assertions, he demonstrated his many spiritual powers and performed his miracles.
He clairvoyantly sensed information about the woman at the well and Zaccheus that he could not have known, otherwise. He materialized loaves and fish to feed thousands, walked on water and turned ordinary water into fine wine. He healed many just by touching them, speaking strange words or by sending his healing thoughts to the sick some distance away. And even those who were already dead, he brought back to life.
He predicted that he would be crucified but that he would rise and live, again. He apprised us of God’s many mansions and promised that someday, we also will come to live with him, there.
We live many lives
Some religions teach that an individual soul makes use of a physical body and repeatedly returns or reincarnates to learn its lessons here on earth. This process of living many lives continues until the soul attains to Nirvana or heaven and frees itself from the rounds and cycles of rebirth, disease, old age and death.
II The Role of Science: To Study and Research, Validate or Refute
Defining science and religion
“The USA's National Academy of Science supports the view that science and religion are independent.
“Religious faith, in contrast, does not depend on empirical evidence, is not necessarily modified in the face of conflicting evidence, and typically involves supernatural forces or entities. Because they are not a part of nature, supernatural entities cannot be investigated by science.
“In this sense, science and religion are separate and address aspects of human understanding in different ways. Attempts to put science and religion against each other create controversy where none needs to exist.”
Taking the NAS definition above, it is proposed that scientific investigations should be limited to those matters that are confined to the physical world. However, as we shall discuss later on, there have also been a good number of scientists that have conducted researches in many fields of study that somehow appear to extend the limits of science beyond these boundaries.
Science investigates and confirms
To science is given the work of proving and disproving all the alleged revelations and religious assertions. All propositions and allegations must be questioned, analyzed and tested. So science is tasked to conduct its own studies and investigations.
The scientific approach
Image Credit: By ArchonMagnus - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
While religion draws heavily from revelations, science employs reason, empiricism and evidence to arrive at its theories and conclusions.
The building blocks of the Cosmos
Already, after the discoveries relating to the sub-atomic structure of matter, there have been significant advances made in the study of quantum physics that attempt to explain the nature of the Cosmos, parallel and interpenetrating Universes, the connectedness of everything that is and the omniscience of God in all matter that support the theory of a grand unified field.
Quantum physics: The study of the spirit-consciousness
While religion has always promoted the power of prayer and the new age has heralded the power of positive thinking, today, quantum scientists are conducting their experiments to prove that consciousness can create its own reality.
Eventually, the researches should be able to unlock the secrets of the spirit-consciousness and the principles that enable the phenomena of out-of-body-experience, astral travelling and materialization.
The survival of the human spirit
By documenting the experiences of those who underwent near-death-experiences, Dr. Raymond Moody was able to present some modern-day evidences of the Afterlife in 1975 through his book ‘Life After Life.’ Other scientist-researchers were able to confirm his findings, subsequently after.
The reality of reincarnation
Since 1950, past life regression, a method of healing where patients are put under hypnosis, was already gaining acceptance by medical practitioners. During hypnosis, the underlying spiritual reasons for the complaints could be traced to some root cause or causes that related to the patient’s past life experiences. In applying the knowledge gained as part of the therapy, dramatic results were achieved.
Beginning in the 1960s, Dr. Helen Wambach conducted her own studies on more than 10,000 volunteers to look into the truth of reincarnation. Her books chronicle the true accounts of those who remembered some of the details of their past lives. “Initially intending to disprove reincarnation, on finishing her work, she concluded, ‘I don't believe in reincarnation – I know it!’” (Wambach 1978). Many other confirmatory books have subsequently been written along these same lines.
In the course of his medical practice, Dr. Ian Stevenson noted that certain fears and phobias, unusual abilities and illnesses in his young patients could not be explained by heredity or the environment. He had heard of reincarnation and sought out to investigate if it could somehow provide an explanation, and to find out if human emotions, memories and physical attributes, birthmarks and susceptibility to certain diseases could be transferred from one life to the next.
In over 40 years, he was able to accumulate about 3,000 cases of children who claimed to remember their past lives and had certain physical and verifiable similarities and circumstances in regard to both their present life and their remembered past life. His researches have become perhaps the best known and most respected collection of scientific data that provides scientific evidence for reincarnation.
Evolution of the spirit-consciousness
Based on reincarnation, the spirit-consciousness evolves with each incarnation. However, contrary to Darwin’s theory, based on Theosophy’s Divine Plan, the life forms or the flesh bodies of all creatures do not evolve. Instead, improved designs that accommodate the desired new capabilities are created by Higher Intelligences and simply somehow mutated into the genes of the new forms-to-be for use by the intended creature. This is not different from manufacturers coming out with new products and models of cars and other products that improve on their original designs.
Scientists, inventors and medical doctors affirm the reality of the Afterlife
In his book ‘A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife’, Victor Zammit, a retired attorney of the Supreme Court of the New South Wales and the High Court of Australia, lists the following information:
1. “I am absolutely convinced of the fact that those who once lived on earth can and do communicate with us. It is hardly possible to convey to the inexperienced an adequate idea of the strength and cumulative force of the evidence.” Sir William Barrett F.R.S. One of the pioneers in psychical research in the UK.
2. “I tell you we do persist. Communication is possible. I have proved that the people who communicate are who and what they say they are. The conclusion is that survival is scientifically proved by scientific investigation.” Sir Oliver Lodge F.R.S. His research led to the invention of the wireless telegraph and radio.
3. “It is quite true that a connection has been set up between this world and the next.” Sir William Crookes F.R.S. One of the founders and past president of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR) in England.
4. “I have been talking with my (dead) father, my brother, my uncles... Whatever supernormal powers we may be pleased to attribute to (the medium) Mrs. Piper's secondary personalities, it would be difficult to make me believe that these secondary personalities could have thus completely reconstituted the mental personality of my dead relatives...” Professor Hyslop Former Professor of Logic at Columbia University.
5. “After the spirit has been separated from the body (which happens when a person dies), he is still alive, a person, the way he was before.
“To assure me of this, I have been allowed to talk with practically everyone I have ever known during this physical life—with some for hours, with some for weeks or months, with some for years—all for the overriding purpose that I might be assured of this fact, (that life continues after death) and might bear witness to it.” (Emmanuel Swedenborg, inventor of the glider, submarine, the ear trumpet for the deaf and a gifted clairvoyant, Heaven and Hell: 437).”
6. “Alfred Russell Wallace who propounded the theory of evolution at the same time as and independently of Charles Darwin painstakingly investigated Spiritualism over a number of years. Eventually, he stated that its phenomena were proved quite as well as the facts of any other science.”
7. “John Logie Baird, television pioneer and inventor of the infra-red camera, stated that he had contacted the 'deceased' Thomas A. Edison through a medium. He said: ‘I have witnessed some very startling phenomena under circumstances which make trickery out of the question’ (Logie Baird 1988: 68-69).”
8. “Dr Kübler-Ross, who has had global impact on the way that dying people are treated, became totally convinced of life after death through her close association with thousands of dying patients. She writes: ‘Up until then I had absolutely no belief in an afterlife, but the data convinced me that these were not coincidences or hallucinations.’ (Kübler-Ross 1997: 188).”
9. “Dr Melvin Morse (a pediatrician and a recognized world leading authority on dying children) was, as he put it, 'an arrogant critical-care physician' with 'an emotional bias against anything spiritual' before his scientifically based studies of dying children and his extensive study of the literature led him to the inescapable conclusion that ‘there is a divine something which serves as a glue for the universe’. He writes: ‘When I review the medical literature, I think it points directly to evidence that some aspect of human consciousness survives death.’ (Morse 1994:190).”
10. “Dr J.B. Rhine and his wife Dr Louisa Rhine of the Rhine Research Centre coined the term ‘parapsychology’ and conducted extensive experiments into the existence of psi (a neutral term for all extra sensory perception and psychokinetic phenomena like telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition), the sixth sense or mediumship.
“In their book Extra-Sensory Perception After Sixty Years (Rhine et al.) they claim that by 1940, 33 experiments had been done involving almost a million trials, with protocols which rigorously excluded possible sensory clues e.g. by introducing distance and/or barriers between sender and receiver, or by employing precognition protocols where the target has not yet been selected at the time subjects make their responses. Twenty seven (27) of the 33 studies produced statistically significant results.
“These studies were replicated in 33 independent replication experiments done in different laboratories in the five years following Rhine’s first publication of his results. Twenty of these or 61% were statistically significant where 5% would be expected by chance alone.”
11. “Other world renowned classical scientists and thinkers around the world such as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Arthur Findlay, Camille Flammarion, Dr Baraduc, Professor Richet, Professor Robert Hare, Professor Albert Einstein, Marconi, F.W. Myers, Professor William James and Dr Carrington, after investigation, accepted the afterlife.”
12. Much additional information on the latest developments relating to these subjects may be available through the American Society for Psychical Research and the British Society for Psychical Research.
Other new discoveries and inventions supportive of religious teachings
The invention of the camera with its ability to capture a picture and project it onto photographic paper or film apprised us that light impressions can be received remotely, stored in video tapes or computer discs and retrieved for later processing.
The tape recorder added the component of sound. Together with films, the movies became a reality. Encrypted and transmitted to a distant wireless receiver, we discovered television. And today, most everyone communicates via the Internet.
Long ago before these inventions, we had books and western religions taught us concerning a Book of Life. But today, we can now begin to realize the existence of The Akashic Record, the East’s version of the now outdated Book, where everything that has happened, complete with pictures, sound and even our innermost thoughts, motivations and feelings, are stored ready to be accessed by anyone.
This is the record that enables us to review the life just past after we depart and affords us the means to lay out the best plan for the next.
Related psychic abilities and phenomena like communicating with the Spirit World by way of the Ouija board, automatic writing, the spirit of the glass, the pendulum, mediumship, clairvoyance, precognition, psychometry and telepathy can now begin to be understood.
III Understanding the Divine Plan
“God’s will is done on earth, as it is in heaven.” There is no accident in the Cosmos. Everything is proceeding according to God’s Divine Plan of Evolution for all His creatures.
Early preparations for the coming of the New Age
At about 1850, two important major movements were initiated that would shock the people of the world.
Spiritualism and Spiritism
To prove the survival of the human spirit, the Spirits of Truth, together with spirit guides and guardian angels began a massive information campaign. Spiritualist mediums in Europe and America became overnight sensations providing magical entertainment while conveying messages to and from the dead.
Toward the realization of Christ’s promise regarding the coming of the Holy Spirit(s), a French scientist, Leon-Denizarth-Hippolyte Rivail, a member of several prestigious science-based societies, was chosen to disseminate their teachings.
Under guidance by a special team of spirit teachers that included Apostle John and St. Augustine, Rivail was provided the beginning bases of the promised revelations that he was later to compile in ‘The Spirits’ Book’ and other books under the penname of Allan Kardec, the name given to him by the Guides to set the books apart from his other writings.
The body of knowledge that he accumulated subsequently became the basis of Spiritism, which term really means “Guidance by the Holy Spirit.” Spiritism subsequently gained followers in the Philippines and in Brazil, where the psychic surgeons became famous and notorious at the same time.
Edgar Cayce and reincarnation
The early Christians, mistaking resurrection for reincarnation but more for reasons of political expediency in deference to the Roman Empire, removed Christ’s teachings on reincarnation from the catechetical teachings during the installation of the Nicene Creed.
In the early 1900s, to reinstate this important divine teaching and to demonstrate the continuity and the connection between the present and past lives, the Spirits of Truth enabled the sleeping Edgar Cayce to access information drawn directly from the Akashic Record that helped more than 2,500 of his patients.
Theosophy and Lobsang Rampa
In 1875, the great libraries and almost all of the old sacred books had been destroyed. There was a need to reintroduce the Wisdom Teachings of the ancients. For this work, the Great White Brotherhood commissioned Madame Helena P. Blavatsky to obtain the lost information from the Akashic Record and compile them all in ‘The Secret Doctrine.’ She also founded the Theosophical Society to oversee the dissemination of the teachings.
A century later, continuing in this tradition, Lobsang Rampa, a Tibetan lama, was tasked to further simplify, clarify and upgrade the Eastern teachings. Being a highly competent clairvoyant, telepath and astral traveller, he recounted his experiences and revealed many new insights relating to the Unseen World.
New Age phenomena and their proposed explanations
Where before, we have been confined and limited to our five physical senses, in the Age of Aquarius, we will begin to develop our sixth sense.
Everything begins with a thought. “Thought is the builder,” according to Edgar Cayce. Thought creates. We are what we think we are. It is possible if we can think it possible. And when we apply thought to matter, we can perform a materialization like when Jesus multiplied the loaves and fish, or we can influence matter in some way, as in bending spoons.
Just as a sound or a picture can be broadcast on TV, a thought, even a feeling or emotion can be encrypted in a particular signal or vibration, transmitted and apperceived by an adept via telepathy or clairvoyance.
In the laying on of hands, the healer is simply transferring his own recreative energy to a sick person who is temporarily unable due to his illness to regenerate this energy for himself. The healer might also draw this healing energy from some supernatural source and simply redirect it to the patient. This is as simple as the act of recharging a dead or depleted car battery. In distant healing, the energy is simply transmitted, not through a solid conductor, but by air as with TV or WIFI.
Solids are not really “solid.” Science tells us that there are huge spaces between the sub-atomic particles. When the rate of vibration of matter changes, the state of that matter also changes from solid to liquid or gas. Accordingly, their properties also change, as in ice, water or steam. By slowing down and speeding up the vortex, the speed of the sub-atomic particles, the particular object can be materialized and dematerialized, seen or not seen.
In psychic surgery, a significant increase in the rate of vibration of the tissue cells has been observed. This could explain how, with just the use of the psychic surgeon’s bare hands, the patient’s body tissues can be opened up in a psychic surgical operation, just like ice when melted can more easily be penetrated.
The higher planes of being vibrate at higher ranges of frequencies. Astral travelling is made possible when our astral body, while still connected to the physical body by the silver cord, is made to vibrate at a sufficiently high enough rate of vibration enabling it to enter the higher vibrationary range of the intended higher plane.
Now, it may all sound so easy. And to the accomplished occultists, it can be just that. But science still has a lot of catching up to do before it can replicate these spiritual phenomena.
The simple answers to the questions we all ask
“Who are we and what is our true nature? What is the meaning of life? What is the purpose of life on Earth? The answers are really simple, but your realization will require a little more effort on your part.
“We are spirits, children of the One God, in His image. In the beginning, we were created innocent and ignorant, destined to attain to our spiritual perfection through our own exertions. As our Father-God is, so will we become – at-one with Him.
“The whole of the Cosmos is our school, the Earth, just one of many classrooms where we take up certain specialized subjects. Being born into this world is like people going to school. One lifetime is just as one day in class.”
The flow of information into our world
How are we taught? How do we learn?
In any school system, some infrastructure will be needed - the school grounds, the classrooms, blackboards, chairs, tables, laboratories and lab equipment for science: a gym, basketball court, swimming pool, track and field oval for sports; of course, a library. Books and all sorts of school supplies and the appropriate school uniforms will be prescribed for use in each different class activity.
The Cosmos that houses the planes and dimensions of being, and the stars and planets amply provide for all of these needs. For uniforms, we put on our disposable multi-purpose physical bodies.
There will be a curriculum to be followed over fixed study periods, rules and regulations formulated and implemented. A competent faculty will be chosen to administer the studies to students who will receive instruction. The most suitable methods of teaching shall be employed. A grading and promoting system put in place.
Theoretical studies must be accompanied by practical exercises before any subject can be truly learned. So in much the same way that pilots train using a flight simulator, we spirits come to earth to learn all about life by experiencing simulated conditions, circumstances and situations. We go through rounds and root-races as in a stage play where we act out our assigned roles. Reincarnation is the process, karma, the governing law.
The role of prophets and world leaders
“At first of every new age, Christ comes to light the way,” declares ‘The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ.’ In fact, “Christ is here, now,” so say Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce and Lobsang Rampa.
Periodically, there is an upgrading in the divine instructions, at least every 2,100 years. Advanced Beings and Divine Teachers are sent to introduce the new lessons for the incoming Age. Based on their message and new teachings, new religions come to be founded, upgrades to the old and outdated, the lessons already learned. To support them, others assist, even scientists and inventors that validate the new concepts and processes, and publishers and writers to explain, clarify and spread the message – everyone contributes.
Divine instruction is progressive and ever continuing. There is no end to new studies. But all the religions are one. They teach different levels and aspects of the same one Truth.
The end of the old and the beginning of the new
Eventually, as the Age comes to a close, the planned lessons already taken up, the old religious teachings no longer applicable; new lessons, upgrades and a new Christ comes to initiate the next New Age.
We are at the closing of the Age of Pisces. Now enter the Age of Aquarius.
IV Different Viewpoints, One Truth
Science: the new religion?
Everywhere you look nowadays, the advances made in the fields of science and technology are evident, front and center. Jet planes up in the sky. Nuclear powered submarines roaming ocean bottoms. High-speed trains, air-conditioned buses and fast cars ferrying people everywhere. TVs and tablets, microwaves and centralized air conditioning at home. Cellphones for instant communication from wherever you may be and GPS tracking so you don’t get lost. The Hubble Space Telescope provides a clearer picture of the heavens. Never before has man learned so much as now.
So there is some seeming justification in the claim that science is the new religion that replaces all the others. And yet by its own definition, according to the NSA, science is confined and limited to things and events occurring in the natural or material/physical worlds, exclusively.
What about the supernatural or spiritual dimensions of being?
Aware but disbelieving because of the lack of scientifically acceptable evidence, science dismisses them, altogether.
A world more real
There is so much more to life than what we can see, hear, touch, taste and smell. There is a Real World of possibilities just beyond physical perception. But since science does not recognize these possibilities, therefore, their knowledge remains, at best, partial and incomplete, and so are their findings and conclusions.
Just like there are federal laws that supersede locally enacted laws, the Higher Spiritual Laws, God’s laws, and the heaven worlds are pre-eminent and override any natural, material or physical considerations.
The students of the Occult Sciences go farther. They do not confine their investigations only to the things going on in our world. Some of them can avail of their own sixth sense or psychic abilities. They are able to apperceive vibrations and frequencies that are beyond the range of our physical senses, and even the most sensitive scientific instruments. In addition, they are also generally more able to tap into the sum total of the knowledge they have acquired from their past lives.
While scientists can only speculate and infer, the highly proficient medium or adept, because of his increased perceptions is able to actually experience the facts of the matter and arrive at his incontrovertible conclusions.
Mastering science and occult principles
Knowledge can simply be transferred and science mastered. But the mastery of the Occult sciences is only made available to those who have proven themselves worthy and responsible enough to merit the possession of it. Christ stresses, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.”
Nevertheless, no one is perfect. Even the gods, themselves, don’t know everything, or understand everything completely and they are themselves, prone to making mistakes.
We should listen and be open but we should also always think for ourselves.
All of the Truth
Knowing then the limitations and strengths of the different schools of knowledge, we should be better enabled to ferret out the true from the half-truths and the false. The Truth is not given to just one person or group but to everyone in part, according to his abilities and level in the order of evolution.
We will need to draw from each person and every group – religion, science and the esoteric teachings – and fit all the pieces together.
Only then will we be able to see the Big Picture and find All of the Truth.
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