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The Devil's lies and machinations: Few can resist |
MT 16:21.23
From then on, Jesus began to speak plainly to his disciples about his going to Jerusalem and the fate that awaited him there at the hands of the Jewish leaders — that he would be killed and that on the third day, he would be raised to life again.
But Peter took him aside to remonstrate with him. "God forbid it, Lord!" he said. "That must never happen to you."
Jesus turned on Peter and said, "Get away from me, Satan. You are an abomination in my sight because you look at things only from the worldly point of view and not from God’s."
We all want to be happy, loved, rich beyond our dreams, powerful as kings, famous as any celebrity and energetic, active and well, able to do anything we want and live as we please. Who doesn’t?
And the Devil knowing this, promises us the world and all its riches and pleasures. Many are seduced. Even the apostle, even the elect, even otherwise devout Christians and believers of all faiths.
But for most of us, these things are just illusive dreams beyond our reach and instead, we find only pain and suffering, war, injustice, poverty, disease and want.
Yes, the good things in life are to be desired. But is our having them the true gauge of our success? Are they the treasures we should strive for? Our real objectives in this life?
If you think so, then like so many among you, you are deceived!
And Jesus, rightly so, likens you to naive and unsuspecting disciples of Satan.
Why the wise choose a life filled with pain and suffering
Jesus is the Christ – the Master Teacher of our world. But even he is not exempt from the karmic law. No one can escape the consequences of his every thought and deed.
In the playing out of our assigned earthly roles, we are given a mission and certain duties and responsibilities to perform. We choose the events and lessons, the tests, trials and tribulations that will best enable us to achieve our spiritual objectives. The more lofty our ambitions and aspirations, the harder our life situations will be > http://goo.gl/Iplcle.
The hidden costs and sacrifices we incur in the performance of our duties
Karma is not alone confined to the effects of our mistakes and misdeeds or sins. Towards the successful completion of our assigned tasks, more often than not, our options are limited. Each time, we weigh the results we hope to obtain against the costs and difficulties, and what we need to do to achieve them. Often enough, there are no ideal solutions and we just have to make do with the best alternatives, available. If we don’t, then failure comes as the inevitable result.
The general deploys his men knowing that some of them will not return and the soldier kills to prevent himself and his comrades from getting killed. The intelligence officer tortures suspects to extract information that could save the lives of his own people. People will lie, cheat and steal if they feel that their objective is well-worth it.
Such actions are usually regarded as sinful or decidedly evil, but they can be justified provided that our motives and intentions are for the greater good – for the good of our country, our family, our fellowmen or the majority of the people as against the few – if we can save them from a worse fate.
We don’t want to do any of it. But we realize that someone needs to. Sometimes, there’s no one else to do it. So we make the sacrifice, ourselves, even though we know that we will held personally responsible and will perforce bear all the dire consequences or karmic debts. We do what we must. Whatever it takes.
What we did in the past explains what is happening in the present
According to the Edgar Cayce readings, one of the past incarnations of Jesus was Joshua, the then general of the Israelite army. This is part of the reasons why Jesus had to be subjected to all the indignities, persecution, torture and finally, death by crucifixion. A direct consequence of the acts he was compelled to commit in the performance of his duties during that experience.
Our guide to living right
From then on, Jesus began to speak plainly to his disciples about his going to Jerusalem and the fate that awaited him there at the hands of the Jewish leaders — that he would be killed and that on the third day, he would be raised to life again.
But Peter took him aside to remonstrate with him. "God forbid it, Lord!" he said. "That must never happen to you."
Jesus turned on Peter and said, "Get away from me, Satan. You are an abomination in my sight because you look at things only from the worldly point of view and not from God’s."
We all want to be happy, loved, rich beyond our dreams, powerful as kings, famous as any celebrity and energetic, active and well, able to do anything we want and live as we please. Who doesn’t?
And the Devil knowing this, promises us the world and all its riches and pleasures. Many are seduced. Even the apostle, even the elect, even otherwise devout Christians and believers of all faiths.
But for most of us, these things are just illusive dreams beyond our reach and instead, we find only pain and suffering, war, injustice, poverty, disease and want.
Yes, the good things in life are to be desired. But is our having them the true gauge of our success? Are they the treasures we should strive for? Our real objectives in this life?
If you think so, then like so many among you, you are deceived!
And Jesus, rightly so, likens you to naive and unsuspecting disciples of Satan.
Why the wise choose a life filled with pain and suffering
Jesus is the Christ – the Master Teacher of our world. But even he is not exempt from the karmic law. No one can escape the consequences of his every thought and deed.
In the playing out of our assigned earthly roles, we are given a mission and certain duties and responsibilities to perform. We choose the events and lessons, the tests, trials and tribulations that will best enable us to achieve our spiritual objectives. The more lofty our ambitions and aspirations, the harder our life situations will be > http://goo.gl/Iplcle.
The hidden costs and sacrifices we incur in the performance of our duties
Karma is not alone confined to the effects of our mistakes and misdeeds or sins. Towards the successful completion of our assigned tasks, more often than not, our options are limited. Each time, we weigh the results we hope to obtain against the costs and difficulties, and what we need to do to achieve them. Often enough, there are no ideal solutions and we just have to make do with the best alternatives, available. If we don’t, then failure comes as the inevitable result.
The general deploys his men knowing that some of them will not return and the soldier kills to prevent himself and his comrades from getting killed. The intelligence officer tortures suspects to extract information that could save the lives of his own people. People will lie, cheat and steal if they feel that their objective is well-worth it.
Such actions are usually regarded as sinful or decidedly evil, but they can be justified provided that our motives and intentions are for the greater good – for the good of our country, our family, our fellowmen or the majority of the people as against the few – if we can save them from a worse fate.
We don’t want to do any of it. But we realize that someone needs to. Sometimes, there’s no one else to do it. So we make the sacrifice, ourselves, even though we know that we will held personally responsible and will perforce bear all the dire consequences or karmic debts. We do what we must. Whatever it takes.
What we did in the past explains what is happening in the present
According to the Edgar Cayce readings, one of the past incarnations of Jesus was Joshua, the then general of the Israelite army. This is part of the reasons why Jesus had to be subjected to all the indignities, persecution, torture and finally, death by crucifixion. A direct consequence of the acts he was compelled to commit in the performance of his duties during that experience.
Our guide to living right
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The significance of Christ's crucifixion |
But even more important, in living his life according to his teachings and
providing a real life example, he was able to demonstrate to each of us how we
should best live our own life.
In spite of all the injustices and inhumane treatment he suffered, he meekly turned his other cheek to his persecutors. Despite all the hate, he returned his love. Having been himself placed in similar situations in the Joshua incarnation and having been compelled to perform similar “atrocities”, he understood and was able to forgive them. Loving his enemies, he even asked the Father to forgive them.
And just as he was able to overcome all his trials and settle his own karmic debts, as well, so will we all be able to do the same.
Experience brings knowledge and develops abilities
No one learns just by being told. Before we can realize the divine truths, we will need to experience them first-hand, all sides, shades and aspects, the good and pleasurable, and the ugly and the vile. In fact, it is the last that teach more effectively the lessons that are most difficult to understand.
In addition, we also take on the precise challenges and situations that we envision will help us to develop certain desired qualities and abilities. In facing up to our problems and opportunities that they really are, we gain added wisdom and the confidence that comes only from our having been tested and found worthy.
Look at life from God’s point of view
Everything happens for a reason. Everything results to your eventual benefit and spiritual advancement. Do not embrace ignorance or the foolish thinking and ways of people in the world but begin to learn more about the divine ways of God.
In spite of all the injustices and inhumane treatment he suffered, he meekly turned his other cheek to his persecutors. Despite all the hate, he returned his love. Having been himself placed in similar situations in the Joshua incarnation and having been compelled to perform similar “atrocities”, he understood and was able to forgive them. Loving his enemies, he even asked the Father to forgive them.
And just as he was able to overcome all his trials and settle his own karmic debts, as well, so will we all be able to do the same.
Experience brings knowledge and develops abilities
No one learns just by being told. Before we can realize the divine truths, we will need to experience them first-hand, all sides, shades and aspects, the good and pleasurable, and the ugly and the vile. In fact, it is the last that teach more effectively the lessons that are most difficult to understand.
In addition, we also take on the precise challenges and situations that we envision will help us to develop certain desired qualities and abilities. In facing up to our problems and opportunities that they really are, we gain added wisdom and the confidence that comes only from our having been tested and found worthy.
Look at life from God’s point of view
Everything happens for a reason. Everything results to your eventual benefit and spiritual advancement. Do not embrace ignorance or the foolish thinking and ways of people in the world but begin to learn more about the divine ways of God.
Think Spirit! Think God. Prefer to look at things from His point of view > Our life, our choice.
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